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Self-Worth, it all starts with you…
Creator, It’s time to cease underestimating your worth, your genius, your brilliance. Because the minute you do, so will everyone else. Read on…
Never Defend, Never Explain
Word Up Creator - When you cease explaining, defending, validating, and veri-fuckin-fying, your life becomes Cherry! Just sayin'.
Yesterday happened and now I am different…
Lewis Carroll was definitely on to something when he wrote this quote. Newsflash Creator - we change daily, now the question becomes, are you aligning with that change or are you stubbornly refusing to expand into the fullness of you?
So, what is the meaning of life anyway?
Newsflash Creator: Contrary to everything you’ve been taught, the way to Bliss, Personal Success, and a Joyful Life is not through achieving or acquiring. We do all that to prove something and become validated by society, our parents and the rest of the peanut gallery.
The Winning Formula is so damn simple that you might have overlooked it. All you need is to Do You! Be You! Flow You! Follow Your Bliss! Everything you need to Create a Juicy Life You already have! It's You, You, You, Glorious You!
Words are just words. You are the one who gives them the Power
One of the reasons I loved living in México is that I left The World of The Perpetually Offended (America) far behind. Although, I was and am well aware that I too crossed the border with some of my own less than satisfactory opinions. So what’s a Deliberate Creator to do?
It’s Up To You Creator…
I had a chance today to witness some first class parenting and so share I must because this advice isn’t just for parents, it’s for all of us. Read on…
We Are All A Work In Progress…
Creator - In those areas of your life where things are working, give yourself credit. And in those areas that could use improvement, give yourself a break by reminding yourself that you are in a learning process. In other words, the fun, the work never ends.
Problem Solving, Abraham-Hicks Style
So you’ve got a problem Creator and you’re thinking it to death, leaving you feeling powerless and frustrated. Well, what we who follow The Teachings of Abraham-Hicks do is to let it go, because we know that The Universe is on it for us. And the minute we stop thinking, the solution will wedge it’s way into a crack of allowing as surely as the Sun rises with each new day.
Personal Manumission, Don’t Leave Home Without It…
That moment you realize your worth isn’t tied to how others perceive you, treat you, or feel about you and you go out and find your own power, truth, value and purpose. That Creator is the day you truly start living!
Deliberate Creation doesn’t come from looking back, although sometimes it can bring clarity.
Sometimes we need to look back for a bit of reassurance or to go deeper into a decision or sequence of events, but the past is not where a Deliberate Creator wants to hang out because your NOW and your future are where all your creative juices reside.
Be Still & Listen. The Earth is Singing…
When we are quiet Creator, we can feel and hear the Song of our Soul. The Melody that is our planet singing, the encouragement and inspiration of our non-physical playmates and the thrumming of The Well-Being that exists below the vibration of sound.
Creator, did you know that when you celebrate another’s success, you are also celebrating and accelerating your own?
That's right. When you can seamlessly shout "Atta Boy," or "Atta Girl," without even a hint of resistance, then you are literally congratulating yourself, buoying yourself, taking yourself to new heights, and Allowing Like A Boss!
I Am Perfect, Whole and Complete, Just as I am!
You know what my definition of the shadow-side, or shadow-self is? It is the limiting beliefs that you harbor about you and your place in the world that inhibit you, keep you small, and prevent you from living fully and expanding like the righteous human you are. You see, we humans are meant to expand and grow and when you have limiting beliefs that inhibit that growth, you are going to feel frustrated and unfulfilled, which can result in lashing out.
How do you get what you want Creator? Oh, that’s easy, just feel as if you already have it…
Abraham-Hicks - ‘You don't have to pull strings to get what you want. All you need do is walk in the consciousness of already having it.’
Follow Your Bliss Creator…
You know the Joseph Campbell quote, “Follow your bliss?” It might sound unrealistic, given that we have to pay rent, put gas in our car, feed ourselves and our families, etc. But Limiting Belief is where we get off track because, following your bliss is not an either/or proposition in that you can follow your bliss as you meet your responsibilities. Read on for more..
Contrast -Our Teacher of Discernment.
‘I've learned so much from my mistakes... I'm thinking of making a few more.’ Sound crazy? Well it shouldn’t because it’s the mistakes, what we who follow the Teachings of Abraham-Hicks refer to as Contrast, thatis our best teacher when it comes to discernment.
Psst Creator, Come Closer, I’ve Got Life’s Cheat Codes & I Want to Share…
Creator, we know the Cheat Codes, do we not? We know that the key to a life of Ease, Flow, and never ending Prosperity is based on our Vibrational Point of Attraction. Upon our Daily Dominant Vibration. Upon our Ability to Align and Allow the richness of life, to flow into us and from there, out into the world.
You don’t have a life Creator. You are life!
We are NEVER alone Creator. Indeed, we are connected to all that surrounds us; nature, the elements, the stars, planets, sun and moon. We are always "plugged in" and it is up to us to find that sweet spot of Well-Being and tap into it.
Sipping Chai and Chillin’ With My Inner Being…
I'm spending this Sunny Saturday morning with My Divine Inner Being as we sip a cuppa of delicious Oregon Chai while writing Positive Affirmations and Lists to raise my Vibe to the Level of The Gods.
I love acknowledging My Inner Being, My Soul Sista, My Bestest Buddy, Playmate, Mentor, Guide, and Eternal Other through the Gift of Journaling. As Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) says, our connection with Non-Physical as opposed to our Human to Human Connections, is more subtle, not as overt and in your face, as our World of 5 Senses. And so accessing this fecund playground requires a more subtle approach.
Creator, Do You Know Who You Are…?
I am a Creator of Worlds. I am a pure, unadulterated, sexy extension of Source energy. I am the molder of the clay. I am a badd-ass Manifester. I am a righteous Allower, a bold Deliberate Creatrix, a formidable Focuser of Energy, an uplifter, a student, a teacher, a God in high heels, a dancing fool, a Genius, a channeling vixen, a dreamer of dreams, a bawdy broad with nothing but music in her heart and a deep, throaty laugh.