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My Truth is the light in my life. My truth lights up my path of least resistance. My Truth heralds my every expansive choice. My Truth celebrates when I close the gaps between where I am and what I desire and most of all, when I create more!
Sipping Chai and Chillin’ With My Inner Being…
I'm spending this Sunny Saturday morning with My Divine Inner Being as we sip a cuppa of delicious Oregon Chai while writing Positive Affirmations and Lists to raise my Vibe to the Level of The Gods.
I love acknowledging My Inner Being, My Soul Sista, My Bestest Buddy, Playmate, Mentor, Guide, and Eternal Other through the Gift of Journaling. As Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) says, our connection with Non-Physical as opposed to our Human to Human Connections, is more subtle, not as overt and in your face, as our World of 5 Senses. And so accessing this fecund playground requires a more subtle approach.
Positive Affirmations, A Wonderful Way To Start The Day…
I'm spending this Sunny Saturday morning with My Divine Inner Being as we sip a cuppa delicious Oregon Chai and write Positive Affirmations and Lists of Positive Aspects in order to raise my Vibe to the Level of The Gods.
I love acknowledging my Soul Sista, My Inner Being, My Bestest Buddy, Playmate, Mentor, Guide, and Eternal Other through the Gift of Writing. As Abe says, our connection with Non-Physical as opposed to our Human to Human Connections, is more subtle; IOW, not as overt and in your face as our 5 Senses World. So accessing this fecund playground requires a more subtle approach.