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It Might Look Like I’m Not Doing Anything, But On A Cellular Level, I’m Quite Busy…
Creator, I must share my delight at this being the 3rd morning in a row where I have awakened with a blissfully quiet mind. And not only that, it remains that way for longer and longer periods of time into my day! I equate waking up shrouded in this pervasive sense of Well-Being, to the Loving Work I've been engaged in.
Let’s Make This Your Year Creator…
Creator - how do you make this your year? Well first, you get rid of the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from creating and living the life of your dreams. Those words and thoughts about why you can’t, are attracting (yes, that pesky old Law of Attraction again) more of the same, which makes your life a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Life’s Winning Formula, Abraham-Hicks Style…
Reduce your workload by 30%. Increase your fun load by 30%. And you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. More fun, less struggle - more results on all fronts. Any questions Creator…?
Today, All Day, I Shall Remain Undefined. Want To Join Me Creator?
Just lifted this gem from a new Facebook Friend's wall! I love everything it says, and so I'm going to play in this delicious energy all through the day, yes I am, in an undefined way of course!! Haha! Up, Up and away...😎~*
Positive Affirmations, A Wonderful Way To Start The Day…
I'm spending this Sunny Saturday morning with My Divine Inner Being as we sip a cuppa delicious Oregon Chai and write Positive Affirmations and Lists of Positive Aspects in order to raise my Vibe to the Level of The Gods.
I love acknowledging my Soul Sista, My Inner Being, My Bestest Buddy, Playmate, Mentor, Guide, and Eternal Other through the Gift of Writing. As Abe says, our connection with Non-Physical as opposed to our Human to Human Connections, is more subtle; IOW, not as overt and in your face as our 5 Senses World. So accessing this fecund playground requires a more subtle approach.
Nature, The Natural Healer
“By awakening the Native American teachings, you come to the realization that the earth is not something simply that you build upon and walk upon and drive upon and take for granted. It is a living entity. It has a consciousness.” Edgar Cayce
Being a Human on This Leading-Edge is The BEST of ALL CREATION…
Being human on this Leading-Edge… in this specific time and space… is the BEST of ALL CREATION. You knew it when you came… You knew that you have the Energy that creates worlds flowing to you and through you. You knew that this life would inspire with precision your specific desire and you knew that each and every particle of that specific desire could be satisfied… would be satisfied…would be emphasized… would be supported… would be realized… would be manifested. You knew that everything that this life inspired within you could flow to you in its fullest manifestational form.
Children Can Be Our Best Teachers, when we stop to listen…
I don’t know about you, but I have found many times that my best teacher is my child. She has an effortless way of slinging truth my way, so that it sticks. This story is just one example.
Great Love Is Life Force Revealed…
great love is no accident, it is life force revealed.
it is the artifact of life's deepest desires, pulsing through The Heart of one to penetrate The Soul of Her Other.
it is the Great Mystery made manifest with the touch of the lips, the skin, the breath.
it is God, showing herself how wondrous she is.
it is the eternal return home, it is creation, it is........ love.
~Constance T. Smith~
A Paean To Love…
Loving you evokes the mystic in me. The eternal mysteries of my heart once silenced, now clamor to peek through the veil of mist that shrouds my heart. Breathing ceases, time stills, loving has supplanted all. My Beloved, you have made a believer out of me~*