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Creator - Time to Take Back Your Power…
Creator - Isn’t today a grand day to begin the process of taking back your power? Want to know more of how to do so with zero effort other than your Alignment and partnering with The Law of Attraction? Great! Then read on…
Are You A Creator or A Reactor?
Here are the facts Creator, well-being abounds. It’s like the air we breathe, it’s everywhere, it’s free and it’s always available. And having it flow into your experience is not something you have to work at, you don’t attract well-being rather, you allow it to flow into your life. Unless of course you are practicing the vibrational equivalent of holding your breath to keep it at bay.
Yesterday happened and now I am different…
Lewis Carroll was definitely on to something when he wrote this quote. Newsflash Creator - we change daily, now the question becomes, are you aligning with that change or are you stubbornly refusing to expand into the fullness of you?
Words are just words. You are the one who gives them the Power
One of the reasons I loved living in México is that I left The World of The Perpetually Offended (America) far behind. Although, I was and am well aware that I too crossed the border with some of my own less than satisfactory opinions. So what’s a Deliberate Creator to do?
We Are All A Work In Progress…
Creator - In those areas of your life where things are working, give yourself credit. And in those areas that could use improvement, give yourself a break by reminding yourself that you are in a learning process. In other words, the fun, the work never ends.
Deliberate Creation doesn’t come from looking back, although sometimes it can bring clarity.
Sometimes we need to look back for a bit of reassurance or to go deeper into a decision or sequence of events, but the past is not where a Deliberate Creator wants to hang out because your NOW and your future are where all your creative juices reside.