Words are just words. You are the one who gives them the Power
Take the time to remember who and what you are giving your power to Creator.
One of the chief reasons I love living in México is that I left The World of The Perpetually Offended (America) far behind. What a relief. Of course that doesn’t mean I get to rest on my laurels of self-satisfaction because, while I might have extricated myself culturally from a mindset, it doesn’t mean I didn’t cross the border into México with some of my own.
Newsflash! We all have habits of thought that don’t serve us and the biggest one is the one that states “I’m right and You’re wrong!”
Especially when it comes to condemning someone else’s opinions.
I mean who really cares what other people’s opinions on any given subject are - they are just a bunch of words. And who is saying the words? Someone you respect? And even then, what’s the rub? And, the more air time you give those words, the more The Law of Attraction will bring you more like it into your experience.
Words are communication devices and as such cannot hold anymore power than what we choose to give them. And these days we seem to be giving them a lot.
Try this on for size today, Allow all opinions to move by you like a gentle breeze. Don’t comment, re-post, perpetuate, or blah-blah about any of it.
People and their opinions only wield the Power you give them. Now think about that for a moment. Wouldn’t your Power be best spent elsewhere? Like deliberately focused on You and Creating Your Fabulous Life? Just sayin...~*