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Have fun using the search below, and see what comes up…
Meditation - Your Key to Consistent Alignment
Top of the morning Creator, or perhaps for you today, it’s the bottom of the morning. That’s the thing isn’t it? The vicissitudes of life present as a ride: sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes a steady course. And so what’s a valiant, determined Creator to do?
The Law of Attraction In Action!
So you’ve heard about The Law of Attraction (LOA), but have you actually put it to work for you? The Law of Attraction sounds great in theory, but when LOA is wielded by someone who knows what he/she is doing? Well, that’s a success story worth talking about.
Letting Go of Resistant Thoughts…
Creator are you familiar with The Kingdom of Faith and Knowing? It’s a place where once you tap in, you can never turn back from your new found Understanding and Belief. And where You can never Become less than that which You Have Become.
Alignment, Don’t Leave Home Without It…
In The State of Grace known as Alignment, we move into a quantum realm of beingness, breaking through the fog of disconnection and into the light of truth that supports All That Is, All That Ever Was, and All That Will Ever Become.
Creator, Are You Still Wondering, "Where's My Stuff?"
Hey Creator, do any of these questions resonate with you:
Tired of being humble when it comes to money?
Have you heard those Abraham Videos on allowing the money to flow and still wondering where yours is?
Do you know all of Abraham’s techniques and strategies and have yet to use them fully to your advantage?
Well you’re not alone! But fret not because I have been teaching a Course based on The Law of Attraction and how to use it to your advantage, and the results have been outta-site!
Nothing like a reminder of your mortality to kick you into high gear…
When you are faced with your possible demise and have the time to ponder your limited options, it burns away the trite, the limitations (self-imposed because aren’t they all?), the doubt and insecurities and replaces them with a new understanding of your personal destiny.
Creator, Do You Know Who You Are?
During this crazy time Creator I want to remind you of one thing that hasn’t changed and that is Your Power! It Has Not Diminished! Your Power of Focus and Intention has not waned. And so, the question I pose to you is, How are you choosing to use that Power?
Remember we don’t have the ability to alter circumstances outside of our control, but WE ALWAYS HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE HOW WE LIVE AND REACT IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE.
This pandemic is a grand opportunity for us to use Our Power of Clarity & Focus to Create on the Level of The Gods. To flow The Well-Being that Creates Worlds at such a mighty rate that it takes your breath away.
Limiting Beliefs, life’s dream killer…
Darlings did you know that the only thing that keeps you from manifesting your heart’s desires are your beliefs? Not your education, or lack of it. Not your age or your shoe size. Not your weight or height. Not your zip code, your family, your friends. Not the government. Read on for how you can upgrade those beliefs…
Time to Trust Yourself Creator
Word up Creator - Total freedom comes when and only when you leave the opinions of others out of your equation. We are so used to giving our power away - to parents, teachers, religious figures, politicians (which is really scary haha!), bosses, spouses, “experts” - and the list drones on and on.
But here’s the thing, we don’t need to check in with the world to see if we are on the right track. Why? Because we have our Internal Guidance Systems to tell us when a decision, a thought, an idea doesn’t or does serve us. And our IGS doesn’t equivocate. You’re either Aligned or you aren’t. You’re either all in, or not.
Life, Sometimes It Can Be A 4-Letter Word…
It’s been a bit of a roller coaster this last week, great highs and then some deep lows. But you know how we do it; meditate, focus on what is working, deal with reality, turn the beat around, deal with reality, pick ourselves up and start all over again! Haha! And so it goes.
I found this post from a couple years ago, and I thought it was relevant to what I’ve been experiencing, and what we all experience at times, Life! Messy, turbulent, sweaty Life! Haha! In all of her myriad forms. So have a read and let’s relate on this fine day that we are human and shit happens! Oh boy does it ever…😬😉💙
Are You Ready to Become The Best Darn Parent You Can Be?
I believe this quote speaks for itself and so I will only add that if you are interested in having more of the experience the author is referring to and less of the stress and strife that comes with parenting, then allow me to suggest my Course on Parenting. Here’s a snippet on what to expect:
Become The Best Darn Parent You Can Be!
Let’s take the stress out of parenting and put the fun back in; as we take a look at how easy it can be (when we lose our preconceived notions and ridiculous expectations of ourselves and our kids) and replace them with a newfound understanding of our children’s intuitive knowing as well as our own.
Are You Ready To Up Your Game Creator?
I have just created a new 14-Day Course, Become A Money Magnet, that I’m turning into a Challenge, starting Monday, January 11, 2021. If you’re feeling like you could jettison some tired, old beliefs around money and welcome in some fresh, life-giving ones, then this is the Challenge for you!
I Love The Smell of The Universe Conspiring In My Favor…
Go to bed feeling groovy and this is how you are guaranteed to wake up in a high-vibing, positive frequency with perfect make up, hair and red lipstick. Haha!
But seriously, try this technique Creator; before you go to sleep as your head lay on your pillow, take inventory of your day, picking the positive moments and basking in the good feelings they evoke.
Hmm, So Where’s My Stuff?
Creator - Have you been a student of The Teachings of Abraham for a while, but can't seem to get to where you want to be? Do you know what you want, but can't figure out how to make it happen? Are you satisfied with your life mostly, but want more and don't know how to bridge the gap? Do you know that meditation will help you, but can't seem to find a way to make it a daily habit? Are you familiar with the processes that Abraham shares, but can't seem to use them to upgrade the areas of your life you are wanting more from?
Well read on for what could be your solution to all of the above.
It’s Your Birthright to Want More Creator…
Creator, did you know that wanting more, summoning more, opening to new experiences, celebrating those new energies, flowing desire, being insatiable with curiosity and rocking your Vortex early and often, is the key to Living a Juicy Life? Yup well, it is.
And even if your life is cherry, remember, there is always more to desire, to want, to dream about and the easiest and fastest way to align with all of it is to take a trip inward and feel what resides in your Vortex - the place where it is all done! All the wanting, all the desiring, all the dreaming has manifested.
Welcome To The New Normal Creator…
Creator - this is a time to take it easy, to focus on feeling good, to go with the flow and not beat yourself up when you get caught up in the fray. We are literally charting completely new territory and so there will most definitely be moments of discomfort. But remember this, we are universal adventurers, intrepid explorers and we are here for a reason. After all who doesn’t want to be at the forefront of witnessing and participating in a sea change of epic proportions? Tally Ho Creator…
Are You A Creator or A Reactor?
Here are the facts Creator, well-being abounds. It’s like the air we breathe, it’s everywhere, it’s free and it’s always available. And having it flow into your experience is not something you have to work at, you don’t attract well-being rather, you allow it to flow into your life. Unless of course you are practicing the vibrational equivalent of holding your breath to keep it at bay.
I Don’t Plan, I Dream. Any Questions?
Creator contrary to popular belief, Dreaming and Imagining are where ALL your Creative Power Lies! But don’t take my word for it, try it yourself. Dream beyond your ken. Push out the boundaries of your Imagination and Feel your way to your manifestations.
It’s a win/win way to Deliberately Create because…
Creator… Do You Know Who You Are?
“I am Creator. I am love. I am the universal forces made manifest. I am an expansive, funny, happy, flexible, focused human. I am you and you are me. And, if I do say so myself, we are splendid!” Alkemst
Today’s A Great Day To Heap Some Praise Creator…
Today’s a great day to heap praise Creator. Give it a try and watch how your heart swells along with the recipient of your largesse. Talk about a win/win!